Without a single doubt the most original piece of music that came out of the British punk-scene in the 1970s. And I truly mean that. I'm not saying that this is the best British punk album ever, but it's definitely the most original. The punky songs are some of the best you'll ever hear and the longer, experimental ones are among the most exciting of all of punk music. And damn, do they create me some layers of guitar noise!
Swell Maps sound juvenile, amateurish and unpredictable, but that makes them so much more exciting than a lot of the other bands. A Trip To Marineville often sounds like an early example of noise rock and I think bands like Pavement, No Age and the like owe a lot to this band, without actually realising.
don't throw ashtrays at me!VBR
2 opmerkingen:
Avec le grand et bizzare (weird in french) Jowe Head, vu plus souvent avec Television Personalities, one of MY all time favorite.
Je passe de trés bons moments sur ton blog.
Antoine de Paris
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