I love this album by Donny Hathaway. It was the last one he made, before committing suicide in 1979. The 6 years that followed after the release of this album, which turned out to be his early magnum opus, Hathaway struggled for a long time. He became paranoid and schizophrenic and suffered long periods of depression.
Once again, what's left is the music. And there's some serious soul going on here and it's sad that not much people of my generation know of Donny Hathaway. We all know Marvin, Stevie, Curtis and Al, but there's a lot more. So discover Donny!
someday we'll all be freeVBR
2 opmerkingen:
Take notice of my misspelling of the song Valdez in the Country. I uploaded it as Valdex, without checking.
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