zondag 16 mei 2010

Archie Shepp - Yasmina, A Black Woman (1969)

After a few years a searching, I have fulfilled my destiny: I own all the 53 studio albums that came out on the French free-jazz label BYG Actuel. All these albums were released in the period of 1969-1971, when a lot of American jazz-players, visited Paris and recorded a lot of music for this epic label. It actually might be my favourite label overall.

To celebrate this fact, I will share some more free jazz with you all. To start of with the 4th of 53 releases, is this very obscure record by Archie Shepp. Archie Shepp was one of the bigger names to release music under BYG. We see Archie at his wildest on this label, because everything on BYG is extremely wild: no American labels were releasing this music back then. (with a few exceptions of course, but not on this scale, 53 records in 2,5 years).

body and soul

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Fucking nice blog!
    I discovered it today looking for Cunning Stunts by Cows, but now I'll stay here always looking the old posts and waiting for the new ones.
    ps: sorry for my english. heh

  2. wow!!! amazing album.

    i gotta say it´s a really enjoyable blog, one of the best. thanks, thanks and thanks for this stuff!! all the best.

  3. wow what taste you have! Thanx for putting the time in to share all this great stuff and so easy to DL via Mediafire. I have a bit of BYG and can always do with more.

  4. this one's fanstastic. I must say Archie Shepp was not on my radar until now. thank you for enlightening me.

