dinsdag 27 april 2010

Pumice - Pebbles (2007)

I'd like to start this little text by saying that this album cover has to be one of my favourite album covers of all time. It is so intriguing, it has a sort of summery, dream-like feeling to it and overall it just makes a fantastic, everlasting impression on me. It makes me think of Sweden, or another country where it normally isn't so hot, where you are hesistant of wearing a t-shirt without sleeves.

Ok, so this album is as good as the cover promises it to be. A lot of genre tags are present: avant-folk, free folk, noise, drone, experimental, lo-fi, psychedelic folk, you name it. But what is important is to know that this band is from New Zealand, that they make music that Phil Elverum of the Microphones can be pretty jealous about and that this album is one of the greatest examples of indie and noise finding each other.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. just wanted to add that if you like the album cover you should look in to a fellow named Martin Kippenburger...briliant artist, and the source.
