woensdag 14 april 2010

Bikini Kill - Pussy Whipped (1993)

Hardcore punk for girls, that's basically what Riot Grrrl is. Riot Grrrl is a short-lived genre from the early nineties wherein a bunch of girls went completely crazy. Feministic punk, with a very fast pace. I think a lot of these albums are actually tougher to listen to, than the hardcore punk from ten years earlier, made by tough guys. It was a very independent scene, making fanzines, making t-shirts, making their own record sleeves, etc. Very important ethics, very important scene.

This album is by one of the best and most notorious/famous bands from those years. Bikini Kill, led by the charismatic Kathleen Hanna. Even catchy at times, but always punching our guts: fantastic album. 24 minutes of riot grrrls.

star bellied boy

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