zaterdag 20 maart 2010

Refused - The Shape Of Punk To Come (1998)

This is the quintessential album that got me into heavier music years ago. It doesn't sound as mindblowing when I hear it now, compared to the first time I layed my young ears on this masterpiece, but there is some of the best post-hardcore of the 90s present on this album. Refused were visionary in choosing this very ambitious and foreseeing album title (a great tribute to the legendary epic by Ornette Coleman The Shape of Jazz to Come, that defined the direction of free jazz).

Some of the greatest riffs and some of the catchiest noise is combined on this album in a way Refused had tried for years, peaking fantastically on this piece of art. Highly recommended to people who want to take a brief look into metal, hardcore, emo, and the like.

refused are fuckin' dead

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