maandag 1 maart 2010

Madvillain - Madvillainy (2004)

I don't want to exaggerate on this one, but what I can say for sure is this: this album, is the best and most important album hip-hop album that came out of this century until now. Madvillain = Madlib + MF DOOM and hell, what a combination. Totally original mix of MF DOOM's one of a kind lyrics, Madlib's incredible production and their sparkling chemistry.

Essential alternative hip-hop album that you have to hear to get a glimpse of the beauty of hip-hop. Some of the lyrics are just so clever, it's a shame the genre is so criminally underrated. A few that've really stuck through the years with me: 'written in cold blood with a toothpick' and 'I got more soul, than a sock with a hole'. Get. IN!

rhinestone cowboy
256 m4a

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