zondag 7 februari 2010

Tuxedomoon - Half-Mute (1980)

Ok, what about today. I thought about a great record by the fantastically underrated Tuxedomoon. Who, if we like to think in genres, just for the sake of promotion, are to be placed in the box of post-punk. And that's where it ends between Tuxedomoon and post-punk. Just like Flipper was a hardcore-band not making hardcore-music, Tuxedomoon is more about making post-modern violin concertos for post-punk bands.

I'm probably giving the band more credit than they deserve, but some songs definitely have some kind of modern classical aspect to them. I like to think of them as a more obscure variation to what The Cure did with Pornography. Anyway, have a listen yourself!

seven years in one night

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