dinsdag 23 februari 2010

Sooliman E. Rogie - Dead Men Don't Smoke Marijuana (1994)

I'd like to start with the unfortunate album title. Sooliman E. Rogie passed away in the same year this album came out, his international debut. Sad story. So the music's what's left. Very carefree, very relaxing, this acoustic palm wine album delivers! The first song sets the scene: a few musicians jamming under the setting sun of Sierra Leone. I love to day-dream about the recording sessions of this album.

This is a just a very cute and listenable album, not as rough and dusty as the most West-African music I own, and also not as traditional, because of the obvious Western influence on the music on the album. And that cover, just look at him smiling. I think he's saying: "I made this album for you all, and that makes me really happy".

koneh pelawoe

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