donderdag 25 februari 2010

MF DOOM - Mm.. Food (2004)

Even if you hate hip-hop, listen to this album and put away your preconceptions for awhile. Most of these samples and beats and lyrics go far, far beyond the hip-hop most people are used to. MF DOOM is my favourite rapper and he produces everything on this album himself.

The samples are from another planet. Just so, so good. Perfectly chosen, perfectly flowing, completely flawless. Only J Dilla tops this for me if we're talking about production technique in the noughties. It really annoys me how much people don't even give hip-hop a chance. So for these people there's this album. It just can't. go. wrong.

deep fried frenz

2 opmerkingen:

  1. It really annoys me how much people don't even give hip-hop a chance. So for these people there's this album. It just can't. go. wrong.

    Kijk en zo denk ik er nu ook over!

  2. Als het werkelijk door dit album kwam, vind ik dat ik goed stichtelijk werk verricht heb :D

    Maar het is o zo waar.
