dinsdag 16 februari 2010

Magma - Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh (1973)

Let me just say this about Magma. The band was founded by drummer Christian Vander, who created a language called Kobaïan, to overcome the language barrier between him and the majority of prog-listeners. With the creation of this language, Magma started a new genre called Zeuhl (which means celestial in Kobaïan) and it has a lot in common with Rock-in-opposition and progressive rock. I once read this really cool anecdote about this album:

"I knew one Magma fan IRL. I had to take an art class this semester to fulfill a general education requirement, but the room was full of fulltime art majors, AKA weirdos. Christ on a crutch though, this kid took the cake. He wore a (rather-expensive looking) peacoat all the time that held shut with safety pins and industrial staples. For pants he sported plaid knickers: the kind of stuff you'd expect a golfer to wear. Of course, these went great with his SS boots, which had spurs on them until the university decided that was a safety code violation. He spent entire class periods in the back of the room giggling to himself and leering at girls out of one eye (the other one being covered by his hair) and he never seemed to take his earbuds out. Needless to say, even the other art weirdos were creeped the fuck out by this guy.

Anyway, because I'm a nice guy and because I love music, I decided to ask him what he was listening to one day. His eye shifted away from the girl wearing the bandanna and glared right at me with intensity unmatched. Then he sniveled and said "Magma. You probably haven't heard of them." I did know who they were at the time, but I decided not to pursue the conversation further. I turned back to my project while he started mumbling to himself in some strange language. I'm not sure if that counts as "hipster," but there's your typical Magma fan right there. Because of that crazy fucker, I'm never listening to this band."

kreühn köhrmahn iss de hündïn

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