woensdag 17 februari 2010

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (1993)

I went to a theatre performance today, because I work there and get paid to see shows, which is great, but not what I was trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that I went to a performance today and the performance totally fucked me up. Mentally and physically. Physically because all the stroboscope-stuff made my head spin and mentally because it was so incredible heavy (the show consisted of darkness for at least 70% of the time). It was just so hard to bear, and difficult to watch. While looking at it, I had to think about Burzum all the time.

Which is funny, because if there is an artist who you can easily describe as dark, it's Burzum. That's probably because Burzum is in fact a guy who killed a band member, spend years in jail and made albums there. Those albums aren't quite made for the sunny side of the earth. These albums are pitch-black. Hard stuff, but enjoy it anyway! He made this album before he went to jail for murder and arsony by the way.

if the light takes us

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