And we start again with a blast: HERE WE ARE AGAIN! I checked my Mediafire-account yesterday for the first time in a year to discover that Life As A Rehearsal has had over 400.000 downloads, which amazed me, just like it will amaze you. I know that a lot of albums have been taken offline and that a lot of people will have forgotten about me and my blog, but I'm sharing some albums once again. I'm still a student from Amsterdam, and in three months time a start my new study: Philosophy. I have been reading in the meantime, many novels and other works of literature, so it would be more logical to start a literature blog right now. But as Life As A Rehearsal is my old love, and music is still something I like a lot, I am trying it again. I still search for the music with the heart, the soul, the sounds.
Here we have Bill Holt, a simple state employee from Wilmington, Delaware, who quit his job in 1972 to buy some instruments, learn how to play them, and recorded this album in the next two years. It is a raw sound collage, one of the first in fact. We have Beatles-snippets here, weird R. Stevie Moore proto-moogery, some hints of library music, and the like. (On a little technical note: the artist is called Dreamies, the monniker of Bill Holt, but I have tagged this as Bill Holt, because that's how Last.fm scrobbles it. Oh well.) Enjoy this people, I love you for all your support, downloads and admiration for reggae, free jazz, and every other weird genre that I feed you. Love from me to you!